Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Vasantha Saiesaiya Namaha
Dear Blessed Devotees, Pranams.
About Us
Heartly Welcome to Satya Yuga Srishti Temple, Veritable Bhooloka Vaikuntha
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Vasantha Saiesaiya Namaha
Dear Blessed Devotees, Pranams.
About Us
Heartly Welcome to Satya Yuga Srishti Temple, Veritable Bhooloka Vaikuntha
Heartly Welcome to Satya Yuga Srishti Temple, Veritable Bhooloka Vaikuntha
Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Vasantha Saiesaiya Namaha
Dear Blessed Devotees, Pranams.
“Satya Yuga Srishti Temple” in Mukthi Nilayam is an unique one, established with the blessings of Bhagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba, an Incarnation of Mahavishnu and His Divine Consort Sri Sri Sri Vasantha Sai, a reincarnation of Divine Mother Mahalakshmi.
The aim of this Satya Yuga Srishti Temples is to create a world where Satya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa will percolate every atom in the world and people will live in divine bliss at all times.
Temples are the places that create the awareness of the purpose of our birth and the goal of life that one has to attain. They are the holy abodes that elevate us spiritually and lead us to salvation through path of devotion or bhakthi. Temples were created for the proliferation of the bhakthi culture and for the spiritual aspirants to develop twin virtues of humility and gratitude and march towards spiritual realization.
The glory of every temple is amazing and their historical significance and archaeological values are beyond description.
The designs of temples and their methods of worship have been established, in most cases, by Rishis /Sages and Munis in some cases, by the Avatara-Purushas (the God Incarnates) themselves.

“Satya Yuga Srishti Temple” in Mukthi Nilayam is an unique one, established with the blessings of Bhagavan Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba, an Incarnation of Mahavishnu and His Divine Consort Sri Sri Sri Vasantha Sai, a reincarnation of Divine Mother Mahalakshmi.
It has been built as per the treatise contained in the sacred Nadi texts of Pralayadeeta Sri Kakabhujandar Maharishi and other sages and saints with the purpose of helping devotees/aspirants to feel and perceive, through devotion, the Divine Life Force – the force that permeates the whole of Universe, which cannot be comprehended by human mind and is beyond the reach of the senses of an atom to an individual soul.
The Satya Yuga Srishti Temple is being created and consecrated in a phased manner in a couple of years.
It is the sole prerogative of the Creator to intervene in the cycle of 4 Yugas and here in Mukthi Nilayam, the Primal Soul and His Spanda Shakti are functioning in a subtle manner to create a surging flow of the Prapancha Shakti. Their divine incarnation is to establish a Satya Yuga for a duration of 1000 years within the time frame of the Kali Yuga.
It is manifest in the form of the Mukthi Stupi, Vishwa Brahma Garbha Kottam and the Satya Yuga Srishti Temples. Presently there are more than 108 temples functioning as the abode of over 300 idols of Gods/ Goddesses, saints sages etc.
The aim of this Satya Yuga Srishti Temples is to create a world where Satya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa will percolate every atom in the world and people will live in divine bliss at all times. They will be bereft of negative traits like lust, anger, envy, greed, attachment, ego etc. Universal brotherhood will prevail everywhere irrespective of the faith or religion one follows.
The creation will function under the direct intervention of Creator and there will be no discrimination on grounds of wealth, caste, religion or creed. The five elements would function in unison. People of the world will live in peace and bliss of divine as if in the state of Jeevan
Not only the human beings but the whole of flora and fauna also would be in a totally realised state. Even the world of evil spirits would achieve redemption.
Within the precincts of the Srishti temple, there are temples dedicated to Sri Gnana Mukthi Vinayaka, Sri Sri Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Shirdi Baba, Lords of Five Elements. Lords of Four Vedas, Kundalini Shakthi Devis, Sri Brahma, Sri Mahavishnu, Sri Muktheeswar, Sri Kaladeeshwar,
And Lords of nine Planets, Lords of 12 Zodiac Signs, Lords of 27 Stars, Sri Panduranga, Sri Radha-Krishna, Sri Rama, Sri Ashtha Dasabhuja Mahalakshmi, Sri Maha Meru, Sri Indra Sabha, Sri Kubera, Sri Yamadharmaraja, Sri Nataraja, Sri Dakshinamurthy, Sri Annapoorani, Sri Kali, Sri Sudarshanar, Sri Dattatreya, Sri Hayagriva, Sri Dhanvantari, Sri Devi Bhagavati Amman, Sri Gayatri. Sri Savithri, Sri Saraswati, Sri Bala Muruga, Sri Ramanuja, Sri Karupanasamy
And Sri Maha Avatar Baba, Sri Kanchi Mahaperiyava, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Kala Bhairavar, Sri Anjaneya, Omkara, Sapta Rishis, 21 Rishis / Munis, 18 Siddhas, Sri Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, Sri Zorashtra, Sri Mahavira, Sri Raghavendra Swami, Sri Meera Bai and many Parivara Devatas.

Of these 108 temples, the “Navaraja Mandalam” is very unique, first of its kind in the world, is constructed in a concentric circular shape under one dome, on a lotus-like base and roof.
At the centre of the dome is Lord Kaladeeshwara surrounded by the 9 Planets, Lords of 12 Zodiac Signs and Lords of 27 stars.
Exclusive plants/trees associated with the 27 stars have been planted alongside each of the 27 stars.
Besides the temples, “Satya Yuga Srishti Temple” will have meditation halls, bhajan hall, namasankirtana hall, rasaleela hall, veda parayana hall, vasantha mandapa. Yagna-shala, cow-shed and temple-kitchen.
Today this temple complex is a place of pilgrimage with strong spiritual energy, thanks to consecration of so many Deities in one place.

K.S. Venkataraman
Mukthi Nilayam Ashram
[12] 5.0 - 5.5.1 >Prakarams of Mukthi Stupi
- 5.0.1 - Apsaras
- 5.1 - First Prakaram of Stupi
- 5.2 - Second Prakaram of Stupi
- 5.2.1 - Sri Sathya Sai Baba Padukas
- 5.3 - Third Prakaram of Stupi
- 5.3.1 - Sri Kakabhujandar
- 5.3.2 - Sri Bahula Devi
- 5.4 - Fourth Prakaram of Stupi
- 5.5 - Fifth Prakaram of Stupi
- 5.5.1 - Mukthi Stupi
- [12] 5.0 - 5.5.1 >Prakarams of Mukthi Stupi
- 5.0.1 - Apsaras
- 5.1 - First Prakaram of Stupi
- 5.2 - Second Prakaram of Stupi
- 5.2.1 - Sri Sathya Sai Baba Padukas
- 5.3 - Third Prakaram of Stupi
- 5.3.1 - Sri Kakabhujandar
- 5.3.2 - Sri Bahula Devi
- 5.4 - Fourth Prakaram of Stupi
- 5.5 - Fifth Prakaram of Stupi
- 5.5.1 - Mukthi Stupi