Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Vasantha Saiesaiya Namaha
Dear Blessed Devotees, Pranams.

Brief on Sathya Yuga Srishthi Temple

Heartly Welcome to Satya Yuga Srishti Temple, Veritable Bhooloka Vaikuntha

Om Sri Sai Ram
Om Sri Sai Vasantha Saiesaiya Namaha
Dear Blessed Devotees, Pranams.

Brief on Sathya Yuga Srishthi Temple

Heartly Welcome to Satya Yuga Srishti Temple, Veritable Bhooloka Vaikuntha

Mukthi Nilayam is the abode of the Moola Purusha and the Moola Prakriti (The Primal Being and the Primal Energy ) in their subtle form. Cosmic Energy exists as the Brahman or Para Brahman which separates itself into the Primal Being or the Moola Purusha and the Primal Energy or the Moola Prakriti for the purpose of creation. The Moola Purusha is also known as the Adi Purusha while the Moola Prakriti is called the Adi Shakti respectively They begin the creation through their Sankalpa or the Will, through the union of their feelings (NOT THROUGH PHYSICAL UNION). The Moola Prakriti is the one which is in the “Being State” and it fragments itself into the universe in diverse forms of living species and inanimate objects. The Primal Being then enters each aspect of creation as the “Indweller” or the Atma. . It is then lesser forms of Gods and Goddess created by them for administering respective lokas. The Earth which we live in, is a tiny entity of the Cosmos which is composed of many galaxies of stars, moons and planets.

The first to appear in the creation is the “OM” or the Sabdha Brahman and therafter the five elements of Space, Fire, Water & Earth, the Galaxies, planets, stars and thereafter the 86 lakhs of species come into existence in the universe, The first of the creations emenating from the Primal Being and the Primal Energy is the direct creation from the Lord and hence they are free from taints and pollutions. The earthly existence consists of a cycle of 4 Yugas called the “Chaturyuga”, consisting of the Krita Yuga or Satya Yuga followed by Treta Yuga (Descent of Sri Rama incarnation), Dwapara Yuga (Descent of Sri Krishna incarnation) and Kali Yuga (present age in which we are living now). This cycle repeats is in the same chronological order ever since the beginning.

The Lord out of his extreme compassion for the human kind Willed to slightly modify this cycle by ushering in the “Satya Yuga” within Kali Yuga and without the usual end of cycle of Chaturyugas and for this purpose He and his Primal Shakti have descended in subtle form on the Earth and executing his Sankalpa through his Primal Shakthi. The Primal Shakthi performed severe one pointed penance for 70 odd years and transferred the power of penance into the Mukthi Stupi also known as the “Prapancha Kundalini” (Cosmic Kundalini) as a precursor to the Satya Yuga. This Sceptre was consecrated in the year 2006. This Stupi or Sceptre receives the union of feelings of the Adi Moolam and Adi Parashakthi emanating from the Vishwa Brahma Garbha Kottam, , another temple consecrated in the year 2010, to the North of the Mukthi Stupi transforming human beings, animals, flora and all entities in the creation to be conducive for a peaceful co-existence of all beings on earth.

In the Satya Yuga, being the direct creation from the Lord himself, all creation would be in the highest evolved state bereft of the negative traits of desire, anger, greed, lust, ego and jealousy. The universe would be suffused with purity in thought, action and speech. There will be total absence of hatred, enmity, vengeance etc amongst people. Such an existence is compared to the “Rama Rajya” in which the Sheep and Tiger would live in amity.

Kali Yuga, on the other hand, will be reflective of deceit, conceit, rampant negative traits of desire, anger, greed, lust, ego and jealousy.  Unlike the other other two Yugas of the Treta and Dwarapara Yuga where the good and the bad were clearly identifiable, in the Kali Yuga, every individual will be an admixture of good and bad, with situational change.  Thus the good and bad would not be easily identifiable.

In the Bhagwad Gita, the lord says that despite the creations coming from the Lord directly from Him in the Satya Yuga, with the passage of time, there is a gradual erosion in Dharma or righteousness in every subsequent Yugas and, therefore, he manifests Himself as an incarnation as per the need of time in the subsequent Yugas. So far the incarnations of the God have taken place for the re-establishment of Dharma but the forthcoming “Satya Yuga within Kali Yuga” will be re-establishment of Dharma on the firm basis of Prema.

God in His extreme love and compassion for the people of Kali Yuga, as descended on earth to give a glimpse of Satya Yuga so that each one realizes the purpose of his birth on the earth and attain the eventual goal of his life. The Satya Yuga Srishti Temple is the manifestation of this Will of God to usher in the Satya Yuga before the completion of the Kali Yuga and without the usual destruction of the universe through Pralaya.

The Satya Yuga Srishti Temple is a temple complex constituting the abode of all major Gods/Goddesses/Demi Gods/Goddesses/Saints and Sages of Sanatana Dharma besides heads of other religions, dedicated temples for the nine planets, 12 zodiac signs, 27 starrs. A unique temple in a circular shape under a single dome with roof and base in the form of blossomed lotus known as “Navaraja Mandalam” has been built for the nine planets, 12 zodiac signs, 27 stars with the Lord Kaladeeshwara at the pivotal point. This Sathya Yuga Srishti Temple will also have the deities that represent the 33 categories of celestial lords who execute the Will of the Primal God.

All the construction of the temples etc have found mention in the sacred nadi texts of sages and saints/siddhas of the Sanatana Dharma.

The Satya Yuga Srishti temple would be accessible to all individuals irrespective of the religious faith, caste, creed or colour.

Currently the project in hand is Holy consecration of Nootana Grabha Gruha Vimanas of Sri Padamavatha Thayar sameta Tirupati Sri Venkatachalapati Perumal, Sri Padmavathy Thayaar, Sri Andal & Nootana Parivara Moortis and Utsava Moortis for which consecration is scheduled on Friday, the 26th April, 2024 between 9.00 AM and 10:15 AM. Preparations are underway for Ashtabandana Maha Samprokshana Kumbhabhisheka Mahotsavam.

Ordinarily, a temple receives cosmic energy from the space through its architectural form and is stored in the form of deity that placed in the sanctum sanctorum.  This energy is then harnessed by the devotee by visiting the temple.

Unlike other temples anywhere in the world, in the Satya Yuga Srishti temple, cosmic energy will be created in these temples and transmitted to all over the universe as the Primal God and his Primal Energy are at the hub of the Mukthi Nilayam premises.